TSA Approved Locks & Latches

9 Essential Things You Need In A Guitar Hard Case

What actually makes a guitar hard case wholesome and perfect? Most hard-shell case offer decent protection but a perfect guitar hard case requires some essential features like TSA approved locks for flights, snug fit the guitar, durable or how heavy-duty a case is. Usually, a hard case is heavy. But since you will carry it, the consideration is: is it too heavy to carry? A plush interior can save your guitar from sudden fall or impacts. The building material or overall construction that you cannot avoid while buying a hard guitar case. Since its expensive to buy one, you better be cautious to look the essential features in it before choosing the right one. This article is about 9 essential things you need in a guitar case. Look for them in a hard case before buying one so that you don’t have regret after buying.

gig bag vs hard case featured image

Gig Bag vs Hard Case: Selecting The Right Guitar Case

Many people, especially the beginner ponders on which type of guitar case to buy? Since there is
basically, two types: Gig bags and Hard case. Instead of asking which type to buy? The better would be
asking which case is best for you? Usually, hard cases offer better protection while a soft bag is
lightweight and easy to carry. The best type is totally depending on your usage of guitar and
preferences. Give it a thought how would you use your guitar? travel by air? Perform local gigs? Or
practice at home. This article is all about understanding the differences between hard cases and gig
bags, determine what type of user are you. So that you can decide upon the best guitar case type that
fits your need and you can formulate your preferences. Your budget will also influence the preferred
type of guitar case.

traveling with a guitar

7 Must-Know Tips For Traveling with a Guitar

Every musician to carry their instruments to the places so is a guitarist. Carrying the instrument
everywhere is tricky at times. we all care about the safety and security of precious guitar. To keep it safe
during travel-time movements or risks of impact, bumps and bruises, all you need to do is to follow
some simple rules and tips to avoid such accidents. A good hard case or a strong and premium gig bag
will protect your guitar, putting some clothes inside the case will ensure your guitar is protected against
any impact. Don’t forget to carry your accessories, and prepare for mode of transportation during the
travel. What you may need to care for bus, train, or on foot. Including these and for more tips in details,
read the article and follow the tips and have a happy and memorable journey.